Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Detroit Jesuit High School

The Stained Glass Window is the centrepiece of the Science and Engineering Centre at University of Detroit Jesuit High School. The window shows the interplay between science and faith. In the window the various sciences are illuminated by the light of faith, symbolised by St. Ignatius elevating the Eucharist.

Enormous thanks to Fr Sunghera, Fr Kiser all the Jesuit Priests who were so supportive during the design and creation of the window and of course to Peters Studios in Germany for the most wonderful craftsmanship.

The three rings symbolise the Trinity in poetic form. “Beauty and poetry are intended to draw the viewer toward contemplation, just as the study of science should inspire the seeker to reach a contemplative moment where the person steps back and is humbled by the beauty of creation.” Fr Karl Kiser

The Jesuit School is now 140 years old and are celebrating the 40th anniversary of their decision to stay in Detroit on Seven Mile with a brand new Facility and a Stained Glass Window celebrating St Ignatius…. Amen

Detroit Jesuit High School:

Seven Mile, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Antique Stained Glass, hand painted and acid etched:

3.5m (h) x 4.5m (w)